Transforming (Tranformator) – “The process of analysing, selecting, ordering, and then making visual some information, data, ideas, implications…”
I have been waiting for the publication of The transformer: principles of making Isotype charts (Amazon) for a while now.
I could use some help.
When I started the Designer’s Review of Books, I had a bit of time on my hands and managed to keep a steady flow of weekly reviews.
Review by David Sherwin
“Would you like a paper or plastic bag for your groceries?”
Seems like a simple question, doesn’t it? Paper should be a better choice, because it will biodegrade.
Prepare for this review to become rather meta. Gestalten’s Fully Booked: Cover Art and Design for Booksis a design book about book design also containing six essays, three apiece by Katherine Gillieson and Maria Fusco, one of which is an essay about the difficulty of producing a book on books.
I wanted to read Austin Howe’s Designers Don’t Readjust to be contrary. I read a great deal, as you might imagine writing these reviews. Indeed, one of the main reasons for starting The Designer’s Review of Books was a complaint about the paucity of writing in many design books.
Review by Virginia Sasser
We know that sustainability is an urgent design issue, despite the fact that some of us are tired of mainstream “greenness” blanketing our consumer landscape with tree frogs and leaf icons.