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Review by David Sherwin The further I’ve progressed in my career as designer, the harder it’s become to share with others exactly what I do.

[Sponsor] An Event Apart San Francisco

My thanks to An Event Apart San Francisco for sponsoring The Designer’s Review of Books again through October. The list of speakers is long, but Dave Shea‘s They’re Letting Designers Code Now?

Meggs’ History of Graphic Design

Review by Patrick Holt Because the design industry is populated not only by the well-educated, but also by the self-taught and the self-tutored-after-a-mediocre-education (I fall into the latter), it’s likely that many of us missed an opportunity to read Philip Meggs’ A History of Graphic Design (Amazon: US|CA|UK|DE), now in its fourth edition, during our formative years.

Daniel Eatock - Imprint

I have been wanting to write the review of Daniel Eatock’s book, Imprint, (Amazon: US| CA| UK| DE) for some time. It has lain on my desk for weeks and I have delved into it over an over, but the truth is that I have struggled to really work out how to describe it.


Review by Daniel Gray Within minutes of picking up Roy R. Behren’s Camoupedia (Amazon link), I was regurgitating fascinating bits of camouflage-related trivia at anyone who would listen, like some kind of third-rate Stephen Fry.

19 Books for Core77's Hack2Work

I did a bit of moonlighting for Core77’s Hack2Work event, which is a collection of essential tips and tricks for the design professional. My contribution is a fairly arbitrary selection of 19 Books Every Design Professional Should Own.