The holidays are nearly here and the DRB will be, well, catching up with some holiday reading.
As Christmas is also the time of goodwill and generosity we are giving away a copy of the superb book, For the Love of Vinyl: The Album Art of Hipgnosis, that we reviewed last week because we liked it so much.
A quick note to say that Coroflot’s 8th Annual Design Salary Survey closes December 10th and they need as much data as they can get, especially for Design Management.
Most of the book reviews on the DRB so far have been very positive. The simple reason is that it’s more pleasant to seek out and review books that I think I’m going to like than to wade through a pile of stinkers.
Thanks to everyone who has e-mailed or commented with positive feedback about the launch of The Designers Review of Books. By far the most common question has been, “I don’t mean to be picky, but shouldn’t there be an apostrophe in the title?
Welcome to The Designer’s Review of Books - a selection of books for the creative mind.
For sometime I have been looking for a site that only reviewed books on design and related areas rather than a blog or site that also reviewed books.