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Web Form Design: Filling in the Blanks

I hate forms. Germany is full of bureaucrats that love them, but their forms are amongst some of the most poorly designed I have ever encountered.

The Back of The Napkin

The subtitle of Dan Roam’s best-selling book, The Back of the Napkinis “Solving problems and selling ideas with pictures” – a reasonable description of what designers do for a living.

Shapes for Sounds

Guest Review by David Sherwin A is for Aleph. B is for Beit. G is for Gimel… When I was a child, Hebrew was beaten into me by a series of well-meaning teachers.

Data Flow

If there is one resource we’re not short of these days it is data. We’re swimming in the stuff and generating it all the time. Making visual sense of all that data requires a fine balance between complexity and simplicity.