Sketchbooks: The Hidden Art of Designers, Illustrators and CreativesReview by Jennifer New
Repository, Incubator, Laboratory, Sketchbook I had to chuckle when I read DRoB Editor Andy Polaine’s recent take on the creative process his review of Designers Don’t Read:
Reviewed by Rob Tannen.
Although Universal Principles of Designwas published in 2003, I am embarrassed to admit that I only learned about it several years later via Amazon’s related books feature.
Hugh Dubberly from Dubberly Design Studios is writing a book called How Do You Design?, which examines design processes that they have collected over the years.
When I was a child I visited a Rembrandt exhibition with my father and remember being more fascinated by his sketches than the final paintings. Seeing the creative process in the quick lines of a pen and ink sketch somehow made the finished article more personal.